Our Signature Mastermind...

A Mastermind is a unique concept that leverages the collective power of the group, creating a Third Mind.

–Napoleon Hill, Author of Think & Grow Rich, and The Law

We stand alone in the business community. We are a mastermind at our core but also have other components, all designed to support businesswomen (and a few brave men). We offer our signature masterminds, Business Coursework and Retreats.

The Connect For Success "Mastermind" concept, a think-tank for sharing and inspiring. 

If you have been in business, whether for a short time, or for many years, I am certain you will agree that it can sometimes be lonely. It is not uncommon to feel isolated within your own business. When you are wanting to grow, and your perspective becomes isolated, sometimes you do not even realize it and that can be a danger to your success. Connect For Success was founded to serve businesswomen (and a few brave men) to help stimulate growth and avoid isolation. In addition, we foster a community which allows you to share your ideas, frustrations, wins, and fears with others who will provide you with fresh perspective and accountability.

The mastermind is designed to help those that want to level-up, pivot, increase revenue, add another element to your offerings or help you get out of being "stuck" among other things with high-level feedback from others like you, that are  "in the trenches". We problem solve, expand ideas, create accountability, and act as a sounding board for one another. Our members are enlightened and excited when they gain clarity, increase revenue and create the success they desire and deserve. 

Within our community, you will receive support, straight talk, and camaraderie from like-minded women that will ensure you reach your goals all while nurturing authentic and long-lasting relationships. Connection in our community is natural through the masterminds but very intentionally facilitated through our trademarked "Rapport Card" and getting to know each other OUTSIDE of the monthly meeting.

Education is key to growing in life and business. We use education to inform, enlighten and inspire our members through course work, retreats and occassional special events with keynote speakers that focus on topics that are relevant to all business. 

Connect For Success is a multi-faceted online community designed for businesswomen (and a few brave men). Our foundation is built on the mastermind concept, but we also foster connections and community with intention. Designed to help our members grow personally and professionally by teaming up with a group of strategic, like-minded women who are open and willing to educate, share, collaborate, strategize, and create strong relationships.

Format: Each group will consist of no more than 12 professional women and will meet monthly on the second Thursday of each month at 9am Pacific. The meeting is 2-1/2 hours (including announcements, introductions, and the formal mastermind). We provide a safe, confidential environment and adhere to our Core Success Standards (listed above). Each mastermind “group” within the community will be facilitated by a trained, Ambassador (aka facilitator).

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How is Connect For Success different than a networking group?

We have the benefit of making connections (networking) by sharing with each other and getting to know on another, BUT we are a Mastermind concept -- a professional sounding board, a think-tank, your own personal board of directors; and we have a structured agenda for maximum effectiveness. Our format is designed to help you in many ways; you will take-away great tips, tools, high-level feedback and be able to give and receive invaluable coaching from the other experienced business professionals in your group. 

Where will we meet?

Our core mastermind meets online via Zoom monthly AND we also facilitate in-person events; such as retreats, Success Symposiums and more for deeper connection.

May I invite others to participate?

Yes and no. You may invite guests to attend a discovery call or informational Zoom, before joining. Due to confidentiality in our closed, private masterminds, we do NOT allow guests to attend the actual mastermind meetings.

I have never been in a group like this before and am not sure if I am the right fit?

If you are looking to grow and challenge yourself and you’re open to honest, helpful feedback and innovative ideas, you will enjoy our community. Talk to us and together we will determine if we are a fit. 

Am I required to give referrals each month?

Since we are NOT a networking group (but enjoy a networking component), there is no "requirement" and no "formal" exchange of referrals. However, our goal is to foster relationships so that you WANT to refer others to the women you connect with in the group, so it is HIGHLY encouraged.

Have more questions? Set up a discovery call!

Humbly, we are an award-winning concept (WOman Advocate of the Year, NAWBO San Diego, 2017), and that credit goes to our members for creating a unique sense of community. The mastermind is where that begins for businesswomen who want to stretch and grow in an environment that is collaborative and compassionate. 

As the founder, my personal mission is to serve, support and empower women. I firmly believe “who you are is more important than what you do” and my passion is to help other entrepreneurial women realize “who they are” whether it’s by providing a community in support of female entrepreneurs, strategizing to help an entrepreneur lay a firm foundation for a new business or helping another woman jumpstart her dreams. I am thrilled to say that Connect For Success is an extension of the way I live in business and life.


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